Video Material

How to Use Peripherals and Sensors to Gather and Report Data

This material is 4 of 4 in the MG24 Tech Lab Workshop Series.

Learn about the features of the EFR32MG24 wireless SoC including advanced AI/ML capabilities while getting hands-on experience with the help of Silicon Labs' expert engineers. Each project session will explore and solve challenges developers often face when designing battery-powered IoT end devices.

About The Session

In this MG24 Tech Lab workshop, Mark Orchard-Webb from Silicon Labs will show how to to integrate a knowledge pack, which was produced in Session 2 presented by SensiML, into a Bluetooth project and leverage the power of machine learning to reduce a stream of data from the microphone down to a few Bluetooth notifications.


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Mark orchard webb

Mark Orchard-Webb

Senior Applications Engineer
Silicon Labs

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