How Predictable is your Unpredictability?
Secret random numbers are core to the cryptographic algorithms and key generation used in the security and encryption of many modern communications and security protocols.
Creating a true random number is complex and if any bias in generating the number can be determined, hackers can use that reduce the effort and time they need to acquire keys.
Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNG) are prone to this vulnerability as they generate their random numbers from pre-defined algorithms.
Silicon Labs has created a True Random Number Generator hardware peripheral that generates secret, high entropy data that also meets NIST SP 800-90A/B/C and AIS-31 compliancy.
Have you Discovered a Vulnerability?
Our Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is responsible for ensuring the vulnerabilities discovered in our products are mitigated and communicated responsibly. If you detect a security threat, let us know.