Preemptive priority-based scheduler with optimized context switching
Support for round-robin scheduling to share CPU among tasks of equal priority
Time management featuring a dynamic tick rate and an optional tick-less mode for energy saving
Efficient implementation of common kernel primitives, like semaphores, queues, mutexes, etc.
Integration with the Gecko Platform power manager, enabling support of various low-energy modes
Hook functions to add application-specific code to a variety of kernel operations
Compact memory footprint with typical Flash requirements under 10 kBytes
Built-in statistics capabilities and integration with tracing and visualization tools
Getting Started
Download and Install Simplicity Studio
The Micrium OS kernel is distributed exclusively through Simplicity Studio. Within Studio, you’ll find tools for easily adding the Micrium OS kernel to new projects, along with various Micrium-based software examples. To install Studio, choose the appropriate software package below.
Hardware Support
The Micrium OS kernel can be run on both EFR32 and EFM32 devices. Check Simplicity Studio for example projects targeting your preferred device.
Simplicity Studio Versions
Related Resources
Whitepaper: Uncovering Real-Time Bugs with Specialized RTOS Tools
Adding Micrium OS on the EFR32FG
Micrium OS Examples: 57 hidden gems you may not know about
Tech Docs
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