MSRP $29.99

EFM8BB2 High Performance 50 MHz 8-bit MCU Starter Kit

The Silicon Labs EFM8BB2 Starter Kit is an excellent starting point to evaluate and develop on the general-purpose, high performance, 50 MHz EFM8BB2 MCUs. The SLSTK2021A starter kit can be used to evaluate the EFM8BB2 set of devices. The kit is enabled with Advanced Energy Monitor (AEM) that can be used in conjunction with the Energy Profiler tool for real-time current and voltage monitoring.

This kit includes the most capable MCU in this family, EFM8BB22F16G-A-QFN28 operating up to 50 MHz in this family. The EFM8BB22F16G-A-QFN28 MCU includes 16 kB of flash and 2304 B of RAM.

MSRP $29.99


EFM8BB2 Starter Kit Includes:

  • Integrated debugger
  • LCD display
  • Joystick
  • Pushbuttons
  • Tri-color LED
  • Expansion header
  • 1 mini USB cable

Step 1: Download and Install Simplicity Studio

Get up and running quickly with precompiled demos, application notes, and examples. Use advanced tools including energy profiling to optimize your MCU application. Choose your software package below.

Full Feature Simplicity Studio (select this if you plan to use other technologies from Silicon Labs)

Step 2: Run Demos

Demos are a quick and easy way to evaluate a device without compiling or debugging code.

Follow these easy steps:

1. Plug kit in with USB; Use the port labeled DBG

2. Open Simplicity Studio

3. Select Demos (see screeshot)

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