Bluetooth enabled smartphones in the market today do not natively support Bluetooth mesh and cannot easily communicate with mesh-enabled end nodes. We provide Bluetooth mesh mobile applications and stack libraries for Android and iOS. Our application allows developers to set up Bluetooth mesh networks, provision and configure nodes, and control the nodes with lighting mesh models.
Bluetooth Mesh Specification Support
App Benefits
Implements Bluetooth mesh stack from the network layer to mesh models
Utilizes smartphones’ native Bluetooth stack as GATT bearer
Bluetooth Mesh Application implements
Mesh device provisioning
Proxy connectivity
Mesh device provisioning
Mesh node configuration and re-configuration
Publish & subscribe and group control
Light On/Off and Dimming
Node reset
Node and network debug information
Discover and Provision
Download Apps
Provision, configure, and control Bluetooth mesh devices with your smartphone.
Related Software
Mesh Library for Mobile App Development
Develop custom mobile applications that include Bluetooth
mesh connectivity.
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