
MSRP $83.39

Si1140 Optical Sensor Development Kit

The Si1140DK is an advanced development platform for the Si114x infrared proximity and ambient light sensors. Controlled by an advanced C8051F800 ultra low-power microcontroller (MCU) , the Si1140DK contains an Si1143 sensor connected to three IR-LEDs. The three IR-LED configuration allows for advanced 3D/3-axis touchless gesture detection as well as general-purpose object proximity detection. In addition, the Si1143 sensor on the Si1140DK contains an integrated ambient light sensor.

Development of advanced motion and gesture sensing is assisted by the Si114x Programmer’s Toolkit API, which allows for development of software to control the Si1140DK from a PC. Sample source code for the Si1140DK is provided with the Si114x Programmer’s Toolkit to enable rapid application development. The Si114x Programmer’s Toolkit also contains our powerful Control Panel and Performance Analysis Tool for real-time reflectivity monitoring with the Si1140DK.

MSRP $83.39


Kit Contents

  • Si11443-EB
  • USB cable
  • Si1140DK Quick Start Guide

Step 1: Get Started with the User's Guide

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