Bluetooth Xpress modules provide a zero programming embedded solution enabling Bluetooth connectivity to smart phones. Silicon Labs offers Xpress framework to streamline mobile app development by abstracting core Bluetooth APIs on Android and iOS behind a high-level API unified across both mobile operating systems.
Features of the Xpress Framework
Key Features
Scan for Bluetooth Xpress devices with single API, which populates an array of discovered Xpress modules and notifies when new modules are found.
Single connect API to handle all interrogations and connections with Bluetooth Xpress device.
Read and write APIs enables you to send and receive across the BLE link with all lower-level Bluetooth-specific transactions handled automatically.
Function to mode-switch Bluetooth Xpress communications link between stream mode and remote command execution.
Remote command execution on Bluetooth Xpress devices for I/O control, configuration, and more.
Scan and Connect
Stream Mode Communication
Remote Command Mode
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Provides a zero programming embedded solution enabling Bluetooth connectivity to your smartphone.
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