Works With 2022: Where Innovation Meets Implementation

05/25/2022 | | 2 Min Read

And we’re live! Registration opened today for Works With 2022, the most influential technical training event for engineers and IoT developers to help speed up, simplify, and build better connected devices. Taking place from September 13-15, this year’s event brings together the technology brands, device manufacturers, alliances, developers, and wireless standards and ecosystem providers that are leading the way towards a more unified wireless experience.

Since joining Silicon Labs, Works With has been one of my favorite endeavors. Unique in the industry, this event gives us the opportunity to come together and ask the question: how can we make the world a more connected place? The first Works With kicked off while everyone was still coming to terms with the COVID-19 crisis, and connectivity was thrust into mainstream consciousness in a way that nobody anticipated. With more than 6,000 attendees, that inaugural event set a precedent for what’s possible through an all-virtual event experience. This year’s agenda has been designed with a focus on equipping engineers to develop connected products that just work -- across platforms, across wireless protocols, and across ecosystems and networks.

I’m particularly excited about kicking off day one of this year’s event by featuring two incredible women as keynote speakers, Google’s Michele Turner and Laura Szkrybalo from Amazon. Turner serves as the senior director of Google Smart Home Ecosystem, and if you didn’t catch her appearance on our recent Matter protocol panel discussion moderated by Stacey Higginbotham, you can watch it on-demand. Szkrybalo is the senior manager of business development and solution architecture for Alexa Smart Home at Amazon, and I can’t wait to hear her perspective on the importance of the Matter standard and where she sees our industry going from here. In addition to having these luminaries as part of the Works With agenda, it also represents an important milestone in addressing the underrepresentation of women in STEM. Closing this gap, which is particularly severe in engineering disciplines, starts by providing a platform where influential women can inspire current and prospective engineering students, and these keynote speakers are leading the way.

We’re also excited to focus the first day of Works With on the topic of Matter. Silicon Labs is one of the primary code contributors to the standard and a primary driver of its development through our involvement with the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA). And since 2022 promises to be a big year for Matter, it’s going to be a featured content theme for both days of Works With, with dedicated workshops and sessions covering specifics ranging from bridging between Matter and other protocols to developing Matter devices specifically for Amazon and Google.

Today has been circled on our calendar since we wrapped last year’s event, which saw more than 8,000 registrants. Our team is excited to reveal this year’s agenda, introduce our keynote speakers, and open the doors to registration. We’ve worked all year to curate and design a program that gets to the heart of our mission – to create connected devices that just work. And as a woman that has spent my entire career in technology, I’m thrilled that we have the opportunity to present a keynote schedule featuring some of the most prominent women technology leaders behind the most influential brands in the world.

So, we invite you to register for the Works With IoT Developer Conference and begin building an agenda according to your specific development journey. Because we want this to be as immersive an experience as possible, we’ll be providing free development boards for workshops that require hands-on elements. Regardless of your level of expertise in wireless protocols, ecosystems, or application development, Works With is your gateway to everything that matters in the IoT.If you’re planning on joining us for what has become a can’t-miss industry event, I’d love to hear from you.

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